There are many aspects or characteristics of a fool. And the Book of Proverbs covers just about all of them. One is that he or she does not see that what they are doing is wrong. Another is that they do not believe that what they are going is wrong. And another is that they do not care that what they are doing is wrong. And as for the Liberals and their Satanic Hatred of George Bush and the Christian right, their hatred has pushed them to the point of where they have indeed started acting just like the Nazi's that they claim the conservative movement is all about. One thing that I have noticed over the years is that you can preach to these people all you want. If God has not placed that desire into their hearts to respond to Him and if they have rejected what God has placed into their hearts. Then they will remain blinded to their sins. And in the most recent years they have really learned how to us propaganda to distort the issues. The Liberal news media has become the greatest tool of the lift wing establishment. They use thing like the Oscars to promote their self-serving agenda.
This is not something that God has not warned us about. In chapter 1 of the Book of Romans we are told that in the end times men will become lovers of themselves rather than seek to love God. This event is unfolding right in front of our eyes. These Fools of Hollywood however are no more than puppets. Mouth pieces like Rosie O'Donnell and Jane Fonda do nothing more than keep everyone's eyes off of the ones who are hiding behind the scenes and using their wealth for power grabs. And of course Satan, who is their master and the one who is ultimately calling the shots in their lives. However, these people will all ultimately be dealt with by God.
The biggest problems are the people that give these people a platform to stand on. That includes many Christians. Satan has learn how to use the media to draw in anyone who listens and responds to the lies that has been propagated. He has been able to twist and distort the truth to anyone who will listen. As I said, that includes many Christians. There are many Christians who see nothing wrong in the killing of unborn children. That is because they have bought into the idea that it is best for mankind if some of these children are never born. They have bought into the idea that it is judgmental to speak out against sex outside of marriage. They have bought into the idea that God created men and women with certain perverted sexual desires for one another. How's that for being politically correct? But what they have really bought into is that it is easier on themselves if they just keep their mouths shut to avoid the persecutions that will come if they speak out. And they are right. It is easier. Or at least it appears easier. As Christians we are called to be ministers of Gods word. That means in love, understanding and truth. All three of these aspects must go together. Without godly love these three are meaningless. Without understanding we tend to look at others with an elitist attitude. Without truth there is always the distortion of the truth and the game of political correctness. Which is not a game because you are dealing with eternity and where people will spend their eternity.
Many churches have played this game for the sake of keeping their membership up. But the only membership they are adding to is the membership of hell. They will only speak the part of Gods word that they feel will not offend anyone and make them feel uncomfortable and keep them from coming to church. It does not seem to matter to these churches where these people spend eternity at but it does to God. But many of these churches have joined together with the Hollywood Fools and groups like the ACLU to rid America of any hint of Gods word that will offend those that will stay away from their churches because they do not like what is being said. They claim to hate censorship but they are the first ones to want to censor the Word of God. And they will attack you with their Satanic Hatred to silence you. But as I said, in the end that will not change their destiny. If rejecting Gods word is what they choose to do, then their destiny is to spend an eternity with their master in hell. There will be no parties when they get there. It will not matter if you are a movie star, a Liberal, a Conservative or whatever you choose to call yourself. Without truly having Christ as your Savior you will not care who your members are. You will only care about you and the pain you are going through for eternity. And you can be your own god for the rest of eternity. But a lot of good that will do you and your Hollywood friends. This assault on Christianity has not just been on one front. Over the last few years or so there has also been a dangerous movement taking place in America. It is a movement to make God conform to man and mans will. This is nothing new. For those that where building the Tower of Babel where in essence doing the same thing. Satan used the same argument on Eve. Working on her desires to make her believe that God had to conform to her wish's. The same thing has happened with people and groups here in America.
More recently we have the minister who calls himself the anti-christ. This guy is nothing more than a servant of Satan. And those who have chosen to follow him have allowed themselves to fall into a trap. They also believe that they can make God conform to their standards. This will not happen. Let me repeat that so that you will understand. That will not happen. God is not a genie. He will not bow down to you or conform to your desires or standards. The bible tells us that if we deny that Jesus is the Christ then He will deny us before His Father in heaven. (Matthew 10:32-33) The bible also says that if we say that we have not sinned then we deceive ourselves and make God out to be a liar. (1 John 1:10, 1 John 2:4, 1 John 2:22, 1 John 5:10) These groups are very dangerous and just another part of the reason that, if we choose to stay on the same path that we are on in America, then destruction will come to America. The Fools of Hollywood are only part of the problem. They do however, like to use their influence to push their own agenda. An agenda that is as far away from God as you can get. The one thing that this group likes to ridicule more than anything else is the Christians faith. If you are not rooted in your belief then you are an easy target for these groups to get to and win over. That is what Jesus warned us about when He was talking about the parable of the seeds. Today we see that many peoples faith is withering in the sun. They have not grounded themselves and have bought into many false beliefs. Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ and your Lord and Master. Do you believe that He is the only way to the Father as he claims that He is. If so then you can expect to be attacked by these groups. Because they think that they can still make God conform to their standards. As we have seen with the new forms of entertainment that people have become caught up in in this nation. People are once again to the point where they cannot get enough of seeing other people beat each others heads in. Once again, as in Rome, people cannot get enough of the most vile and violent forms of entertainment. So here we are once again with history repeating itself. Man has not learned from the discipline that has been handed out in the past. So then we are told of the discipline that will take place during the tribulation. Hollywood will never be able to write a script that will ever do that justice. But those that reject Gods plan for their salvation will receive the justice that will fall on them. And those that truly belong to Christ will have justice for the persecution that befalls them here. Where Satan has tried to destroy Christianity and could not, he has tried to pervert it with all kinds of false beliefs. The only way to not fall into that trap is to get into Gods word and allow Him to reveal Himself to you. But don' forget. These groups will seek to destroy your faith and in the process, you. If you allow them to do so. That makes you just as much of a fool as they are.
The Darwin Papers
Chuck Smith Study in Proverbs
Jon Courson Study in Proverbs
Ken Ortiz Study in Proverbs
J. Vernon Mcgee Study in Proverbs
See Also
Fools of Hollywood Part 1