Thursday, March 15, 2007

Charles Darwin Was Only Half Right

I want to take an opportunity to deal with Charles Darwin and his half baked idea that man climbed up out of some pond somewhere and evolved into apes and then into man. Those who discount Christianity do so only because they are still stuck on the idea that they can somehow ascend into heaven by building another Tower of Babel and force God to except them the way they are. They refuse to except that God considers us all sinners and unworthy of coming into His presence without having our sins paid for and forgiveness given for those sins. And that price was paid when Jesus went to the cross. However because of the free will that God has given each of us, that forgiveness is not given automatically. We must come to the understanding that we are sinners and seek that forgiveness that God so wants to give each one of us. Without coming to that realization, we will never seek Gods forgiveness and we will never receive that forgiveness. I'm sure there are many of you out there right now who are gasping because of such a statement. But all you have to do is read Gods word to find out how true that statement is. He sent His Son to the cross to die for our sins. No matter how bad they are. But you must must willingly except and willingly repent. The two go together.

Those that continue to hold on to Charles Darwin's theories do however prove him half right every time they become involved in sexual immorality. Their perversity is just like the animals when they act out their ungodly sexual behavior. When they act just like the animals in the animal kingdom, they do in fact prove that they are nothing but animals. Without Gods spirit inside each of us that is exactly what we are. Homosexuality is on the same level as bestiality. And is considers no different by God. Don't worry. The spelling is right. I looked it up. For those of you that think that the bible does not mention anything about homosexuality let me give you a few verses to look at.

Topical study of Sodomy
Leviticus 18:22
Leviticus 20:13
Romans 1
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Galatians 5:18-21
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Revelations 21:8

As you spend time looking these up or denying that they say what they say let me reintegrate something. Jesus died on the cross to set you free from your sins. Not so you can be justified in your sins. Romans 6:14-23 tells us that because of what Jesus did on the cross we have been set free from the power of sin. But it is a choice that we must make to live as though we have been set free. It is also our choice to place ourselves back under the power of that bondage. But if that is what you choose to do then you have chosen Satan as you master. And you will not get into heaven with him as your master. Romans 3:20-24 tells us that it is only Jesus Christ that justifies us before God. It also says that all of us fall short of Gods glory. That means no one gets to heaven without excepting the gift of eternal life that is freely given to those that believe on the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. No matter what that sin is. This is why Satan is working so hard to rid America of Gods word. And the Hollywood Fools and groups like the ACLU are nothing more than workers of iniquity for Satan. They do serve Satan with that animalistic passion. Just like the pedophiles that they seek to protect. They are indeed the animals that they claim they are. So why do they react in horror when their own behave like animals? Or is it just the Republican pedophiles that they hate? That is part of their behavior. Having a mind that is incapable of understanding and completely disillusioned about their situation. Just like it says in Romans 1.

If you a offended by such statements just think about how offended you will be when you are standing before God on judgment day. You don't have to be though. Jesus died for you. To set you free from your sins. But the choice is, as it has always been, still yours. Many who reject what Jesus has done claim that Christians are just a bunch of judgmental hypocrites with no compassion. Tell me something. Where is the compassion in lying? Where is the compassion in being politically correct with someone who is headed for hell? There is none. In Proverbs 1 there is a description of those who while doing evil just want to take others down with them. Proverbs 1:16 says that they rush to shed innocent blood but verse 17 says that they lay in wait for their own blood. That means that every sin that they commit will be on their own heads. While they think that drawing others into their sins will justify their actions, Gods word says just the opposite. But that is part of their dilutionment.

An animal is incapable of understanding reason. You can train an animal to act a certain way but it will never be able to understand reason. Such are those who have given themselves over to Satan. And by rejecting God they have given themselves over. Whether they believe it or not. Hell will be full of those that have chosen to reject Gods plan. But it will be to loneliest place in existence for all eternity. Why would anyone choose to spend eternity there? But those who have set themselves up against God will do so. Don't let them take you with them. Because they will not care who is with them at that point and neither will you. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and repent. Repenting means turning away and rejecting your old lifestyle. Does it mean you will never sin again. No, that is something that we all fall victim to. But Jesus will lift you up out of those traps when you do fall. Satan only seeks to keep you down. God wants to lift you up. The choice is yours. Without His spirit you are nothing more than an animal. But with His spirit you are an heir to the Kingdom of God.
Freedom of choice means that you have the freedom to do what is right. Not that you have the freedom to do anything without consequences. When you are living outside Gods will there are consequences. Animalistic behavior is truly the survival of the fittest. But are there any survivors in hell? Unfortunately, many will find out. Some quick words of wisdom before I end. For those that heed Gods word there is great blessings. But for those who disregard His word however, there is great destruction. In Psalms 1 there is a description of what happens in both cases.

Charles H. Spurgeon's
Treasury of David

The Darwin Papers
Chuck Smith Study in Proverbs
Jon Courson Study in Proverbs
Ken Ortiz Study in Proverbs
J. Vernon Mcgee Study in Proverbs