I watch Fox News yesterday and once again they had someone from both the left and the right going at it. And once again it was the left that was on the attack. This time she was attacking the right for it's lose of core value's. That is interesting. This is however always been their strategy. Attack them for their values and then attack them for their complacency of their values. This is a tool that Satan likes to use. His servants have picked up on this trait and have learned very well how to use this propaganda to get Christians to turn their backs and run. Or even worse, to join in on their foray. In Revelations 20 we are told that the cowardly as well as the liars and all doers of evil will be cast into the lake of fire. In Proverbs 1 we are told that those that do evil are continuously attempting to draw others into their evil schemes to justify their actions. But as we know it is to their own detriment. Perhaps no where else in the bible does it explain so well as in Psalms 2 of the hatred that mankind has adopted for God. And no one else explains it any better than does Charles Spurgeon. Below is a quote from his writing s from the Treasures of David. You can read for yourselves. Beyond that not much explanation is needed.
"Charles Spurgeon, Treasures of David, Psalms 2
Verse 1. We have, in these first three verses, a description of the hatred of human nature against the Christ of God. No better comment is needed upon it than the apostolic song in Acts 4:27, 28: "For of a truth against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered together, for to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done." The Psalm begins abruptly with an angry interrogation; and well it may: it is surely but little to be wondered at, that the sight of creatures in arms against their God should amaze the psalmist's mind. We see the heathen raging, roaring like the sea, tossed to and fro with restless waves, as the ocean in a storm; and then we mark the people in their hearts imagining a vain thing against God. Where there is much rage there is generally some folly, and in this case there is an excess of it. Note, that the commotion is not caused by the people only, but their leaders foment the rebellion. "The kings of the earth set themselves." In determined malice they arrayed themselves in opposition against God. It was not temporary rage, but deep-seated hate, for they set themselves resolutely to withstand the Prince of Peace. "And the rulers take counsel together." They go about their warfare craftily, not with foolish haste, but deliberately. They use all the skill which art can give. Like Pharaoh, they cry, "Let us deal wisely with them." O that men were half as careful in God's service to serve him wisely, as his enemies are to attack his kingdom craftily. Sinners have their wits about them, and yet saints are dull. But what say they? what is the meaning of this commotion? "Let us break their bands asunder." "Let us be free to commit all manner of abominations. Let us be our own gods. Let us rid ourselves of all restraint." Gathering impudence by the traitorous proposition of rebellion, they add--"let us cast away;" as if it were an easy matter -- "let us fling off 'their cords from us.'" What! O ye kings, do ye think yourselves Samsons? and are the bands of Omnipotence but as green withs before you? Do you dream that you shall snap to pieces and destroy the mandates of God--the decrees of the Most High--as if they were but tow? and do ye say, "Let us cast away their cords from us?" Yes! There are monarchs who have spoken thus, and there are still rebels upon thrones. However mad the resolution to revolt from God, it is one in which man has persevered ever since his creation, and he continues in it to this very day. The glorious reign of Jesus in the latter day will not be consummated, until a terrible struggle has convulsed the nations. His coming will be as a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap, and the day thereof shall burn as an oven. Earth loves not her rightful monarch, but clings to the usurper's sway: the terrible conflicts of the last days will illustrate both the world's love of sin and Jehovah's power to give the kingdom to his only Begotten. To a graceless neck the yoke of Christ is intolerable, but to the saved sinner it is easy and light. We may judge ourselves by this, do we love that yoke, or do we wish to cast it from us? "
I have watched intently over the last several years as the liberal establishment has been on the attack against Christians and their values. I have also watched many churches that have folded under the criticism for the sake of keeping their seats full. They have adopted a politically correct stance in order to keep their followers from going somewhere else. To that I say. If your members just want to have their ears tickled then there are plenty of seats still available in hell. Because the bible tells us that the flames of hell are never satisfied. Christians have been attacked for their values and now Christians are attacked for their lack of values. Did any of you think that it would be any different. Their is only one thing worse in the eyes of a non-believer. And that is someone who has turned their backs and walked away from their beliefs. As the saying goes. There is no honor among thieves. Those that have drawn Christians away from their beliefs are thrilled about being able to do so but at the same time they have a disdain for those that have walked away from their beliefs. But that disdain is directed more to God than to the persons that they have drawn away from God.
Those that walk away are nothing more than a trophy that Satan likes to wave in front of God. But in the end Satan will not enjoy those trophies. And neither will those who like to point out the failures of Christians. For it is not Christ that has failed. It is those who have chosen to hold onto their worldly desires and fear man more than they fear God. Those on the left who defy God to the end and like to do this will spend an eternity with a cruel master who at that point will no longer care about any trophies. He will be suffering the same as they will and then the realization of an eternity without God will come to light. The delusion that they can somehow bring God to His knees will come falling down and the horror of their eternity will be with them forever.
Now they reticule Christians for failing to stand for their belief. They ask where the core values of the Christian Conservative has gone too. My question is. Where are their core values. They attack a Republican pedophile while justifying the actions of those pedophiles on the left. And as should have happened, that person was booted out of office. However the pedophiles that are among their ranks are protected and voted back into office. That is what their core values are about. Anything that is ungodly. As I said in my email to Fox News. Their values are in their pants. As is evident by their justification of their sexual immorality. History bears that statement out.
Charles Spurgeon is right on in his commentary. He points out that the kings have set themselves up against God. But it is not just kings. Our elected officials are part of that scheme. They have joined forces with groups like the ACLU to rid America of Gods word. But in the end they are ridding themselves of eternal life. That gift from God that is only attained through Jesus. As I said earlier it is to their own detriment. Christian! These people will ridicule you no matter what. Don't let them destroy your faith or your walk with Jesus. Because in the end it does not save them or keep them from their destiny with their father in hell. Just don't let them take you down with them. These people want a god that will bow down to them. But in the end every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. That is what these people hate. The fools of Hollywood, the left wing establishment and everyone else that has set themselves up against God can rail all they want. That will not change the final outcome. Only giving their life to Christ will change that.
The Darwin Papers
Chuck Smith Study in Proverbs
Jon Courson Study in Proverbs
Ken Ortiz Study in Proverbs
J. Vernon Mcgee Study in Proverbs
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Charles Darwin Was Only Half Right
I want to take an opportunity to deal with Charles Darwin and his half baked idea that man climbed up out of some pond somewhere and evolved into apes and then into man. Those who discount Christianity do so only because they are still stuck on the idea that they can somehow ascend into heaven by building another Tower of Babel and force God to except them the way they are. They refuse to except that God considers us all sinners and unworthy of coming into His presence without having our sins paid for and forgiveness given for those sins. And that price was paid when Jesus went to the cross. However because of the free will that God has given each of us, that forgiveness is not given automatically. We must come to the understanding that we are sinners and seek that forgiveness that God so wants to give each one of us. Without coming to that realization, we will never seek Gods forgiveness and we will never receive that forgiveness. I'm sure there are many of you out there right now who are gasping because of such a statement. But all you have to do is read Gods word to find out how true that statement is. He sent His Son to the cross to die for our sins. No matter how bad they are. But you must must willingly except and willingly repent. The two go together.
Those that continue to hold on to Charles Darwin's theories do however prove him half right every time they become involved in sexual immorality. Their perversity is just like the animals when they act out their ungodly sexual behavior. When they act just like the animals in the animal kingdom, they do in fact prove that they are nothing but animals. Without Gods spirit inside each of us that is exactly what we are. Homosexuality is on the same level as bestiality. And is considers no different by God. Don't worry. The spelling is right. I looked it up. For those of you that think that the bible does not mention anything about homosexuality let me give you a few verses to look at.
Topical study of Sodomy
Leviticus 18:22
Leviticus 20:13
Romans 1
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Galatians 5:18-21
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Revelations 21:8
As you spend time looking these up or denying that they say what they say let me reintegrate something. Jesus died on the cross to set you free from your sins. Not so you can be justified in your sins. Romans 6:14-23 tells us that because of what Jesus did on the cross we have been set free from the power of sin. But it is a choice that we must make to live as though we have been set free. It is also our choice to place ourselves back under the power of that bondage. But if that is what you choose to do then you have chosen Satan as you master. And you will not get into heaven with him as your master. Romans 3:20-24 tells us that it is only Jesus Christ that justifies us before God. It also says that all of us fall short of Gods glory. That means no one gets to heaven without excepting the gift of eternal life that is freely given to those that believe on the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. No matter what that sin is. This is why Satan is working so hard to rid America of Gods word. And the Hollywood Fools and groups like the ACLU are nothing more than workers of iniquity for Satan. They do serve Satan with that animalistic passion. Just like the pedophiles that they seek to protect. They are indeed the animals that they claim they are. So why do they react in horror when their own behave like animals? Or is it just the Republican pedophiles that they hate? That is part of their behavior. Having a mind that is incapable of understanding and completely disillusioned about their situation. Just like it says in Romans 1.
If you a offended by such statements just think about how offended you will be when you are standing before God on judgment day. You don't have to be though. Jesus died for you. To set you free from your sins. But the choice is, as it has always been, still yours. Many who reject what Jesus has done claim that Christians are just a bunch of judgmental hypocrites with no compassion. Tell me something. Where is the compassion in lying? Where is the compassion in being politically correct with someone who is headed for hell? There is none. In Proverbs 1 there is a description of those who while doing evil just want to take others down with them. Proverbs 1:16 says that they rush to shed innocent blood but verse 17 says that they lay in wait for their own blood. That means that every sin that they commit will be on their own heads. While they think that drawing others into their sins will justify their actions, Gods word says just the opposite. But that is part of their dilutionment.
An animal is incapable of understanding reason. You can train an animal to act a certain way but it will never be able to understand reason. Such are those who have given themselves over to Satan. And by rejecting God they have given themselves over. Whether they believe it or not. Hell will be full of those that have chosen to reject Gods plan. But it will be to loneliest place in existence for all eternity. Why would anyone choose to spend eternity there? But those who have set themselves up against God will do so. Don't let them take you with them. Because they will not care who is with them at that point and neither will you. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and repent. Repenting means turning away and rejecting your old lifestyle. Does it mean you will never sin again. No, that is something that we all fall victim to. But Jesus will lift you up out of those traps when you do fall. Satan only seeks to keep you down. God wants to lift you up. The choice is yours. Without His spirit you are nothing more than an animal. But with His spirit you are an heir to the Kingdom of God. Freedom of choice means that you have the freedom to do what is right. Not that you have the freedom to do anything without consequences. When you are living outside Gods will there are consequences. Animalistic behavior is truly the survival of the fittest. But are there any survivors in hell? Unfortunately, many will find out. Some quick words of wisdom before I end. For those that heed Gods word there is great blessings. But for those who disregard His word however, there is great destruction. In Psalms 1 there is a description of what happens in both cases.
Charles H. Spurgeon's
Treasury of David
The Darwin Papers
Chuck Smith Study in Proverbs
Jon Courson Study in Proverbs
Ken Ortiz Study in Proverbs
J. Vernon Mcgee Study in Proverbs
Those that continue to hold on to Charles Darwin's theories do however prove him half right every time they become involved in sexual immorality. Their perversity is just like the animals when they act out their ungodly sexual behavior. When they act just like the animals in the animal kingdom, they do in fact prove that they are nothing but animals. Without Gods spirit inside each of us that is exactly what we are. Homosexuality is on the same level as bestiality. And is considers no different by God. Don't worry. The spelling is right. I looked it up. For those of you that think that the bible does not mention anything about homosexuality let me give you a few verses to look at.
Topical study of Sodomy
Leviticus 18:22
Leviticus 20:13
Romans 1
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Galatians 5:18-21
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Revelations 21:8
As you spend time looking these up or denying that they say what they say let me reintegrate something. Jesus died on the cross to set you free from your sins. Not so you can be justified in your sins. Romans 6:14-23 tells us that because of what Jesus did on the cross we have been set free from the power of sin. But it is a choice that we must make to live as though we have been set free. It is also our choice to place ourselves back under the power of that bondage. But if that is what you choose to do then you have chosen Satan as you master. And you will not get into heaven with him as your master. Romans 3:20-24 tells us that it is only Jesus Christ that justifies us before God. It also says that all of us fall short of Gods glory. That means no one gets to heaven without excepting the gift of eternal life that is freely given to those that believe on the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. No matter what that sin is. This is why Satan is working so hard to rid America of Gods word. And the Hollywood Fools and groups like the ACLU are nothing more than workers of iniquity for Satan. They do serve Satan with that animalistic passion. Just like the pedophiles that they seek to protect. They are indeed the animals that they claim they are. So why do they react in horror when their own behave like animals? Or is it just the Republican pedophiles that they hate? That is part of their behavior. Having a mind that is incapable of understanding and completely disillusioned about their situation. Just like it says in Romans 1.
If you a offended by such statements just think about how offended you will be when you are standing before God on judgment day. You don't have to be though. Jesus died for you. To set you free from your sins. But the choice is, as it has always been, still yours. Many who reject what Jesus has done claim that Christians are just a bunch of judgmental hypocrites with no compassion. Tell me something. Where is the compassion in lying? Where is the compassion in being politically correct with someone who is headed for hell? There is none. In Proverbs 1 there is a description of those who while doing evil just want to take others down with them. Proverbs 1:16 says that they rush to shed innocent blood but verse 17 says that they lay in wait for their own blood. That means that every sin that they commit will be on their own heads. While they think that drawing others into their sins will justify their actions, Gods word says just the opposite. But that is part of their dilutionment.
An animal is incapable of understanding reason. You can train an animal to act a certain way but it will never be able to understand reason. Such are those who have given themselves over to Satan. And by rejecting God they have given themselves over. Whether they believe it or not. Hell will be full of those that have chosen to reject Gods plan. But it will be to loneliest place in existence for all eternity. Why would anyone choose to spend eternity there? But those who have set themselves up against God will do so. Don't let them take you with them. Because they will not care who is with them at that point and neither will you. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and repent. Repenting means turning away and rejecting your old lifestyle. Does it mean you will never sin again. No, that is something that we all fall victim to. But Jesus will lift you up out of those traps when you do fall. Satan only seeks to keep you down. God wants to lift you up. The choice is yours. Without His spirit you are nothing more than an animal. But with His spirit you are an heir to the Kingdom of God. Freedom of choice means that you have the freedom to do what is right. Not that you have the freedom to do anything without consequences. When you are living outside Gods will there are consequences. Animalistic behavior is truly the survival of the fittest. But are there any survivors in hell? Unfortunately, many will find out. Some quick words of wisdom before I end. For those that heed Gods word there is great blessings. But for those who disregard His word however, there is great destruction. In Psalms 1 there is a description of what happens in both cases.
Charles H. Spurgeon's
Treasury of David
The Darwin Papers
Chuck Smith Study in Proverbs
Jon Courson Study in Proverbs
Ken Ortiz Study in Proverbs
J. Vernon Mcgee Study in Proverbs
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Fools of Hollywood Part 2
There are many aspects or characteristics of a fool. And the Book of Proverbs covers just about all of them. One is that he or she does not see that what they are doing is wrong. Another is that they do not believe that what they are going is wrong. And another is that they do not care that what they are doing is wrong. And as for the Liberals and their Satanic Hatred of George Bush and the Christian right, their hatred has pushed them to the point of where they have indeed started acting just like the Nazi's that they claim the conservative movement is all about. One thing that I have noticed over the years is that you can preach to these people all you want. If God has not placed that desire into their hearts to respond to Him and if they have rejected what God has placed into their hearts. Then they will remain blinded to their sins. And in the most recent years they have really learned how to us propaganda to distort the issues. The Liberal news media has become the greatest tool of the lift wing establishment. They use thing like the Oscars to promote their self-serving agenda.
This is not something that God has not warned us about. In chapter 1 of the Book of Romans we are told that in the end times men will become lovers of themselves rather than seek to love God. This event is unfolding right in front of our eyes. These Fools of Hollywood however are no more than puppets. Mouth pieces like Rosie O'Donnell and Jane Fonda do nothing more than keep everyone's eyes off of the ones who are hiding behind the scenes and using their wealth for power grabs. And of course Satan, who is their master and the one who is ultimately calling the shots in their lives. However, these people will all ultimately be dealt with by God.
The biggest problems are the people that give these people a platform to stand on. That includes many Christians. Satan has learn how to use the media to draw in anyone who listens and responds to the lies that has been propagated. He has been able to twist and distort the truth to anyone who will listen. As I said, that includes many Christians. There are many Christians who see nothing wrong in the killing of unborn children. That is because they have bought into the idea that it is best for mankind if some of these children are never born. They have bought into the idea that it is judgmental to speak out against sex outside of marriage. They have bought into the idea that God created men and women with certain perverted sexual desires for one another. How's that for being politically correct? But what they have really bought into is that it is easier on themselves if they just keep their mouths shut to avoid the persecutions that will come if they speak out. And they are right. It is easier. Or at least it appears easier. As Christians we are called to be ministers of Gods word. That means in love, understanding and truth. All three of these aspects must go together. Without godly love these three are meaningless. Without understanding we tend to look at others with an elitist attitude. Without truth there is always the distortion of the truth and the game of political correctness. Which is not a game because you are dealing with eternity and where people will spend their eternity.
Many churches have played this game for the sake of keeping their membership up. But the only membership they are adding to is the membership of hell. They will only speak the part of Gods word that they feel will not offend anyone and make them feel uncomfortable and keep them from coming to church. It does not seem to matter to these churches where these people spend eternity at but it does to God. But many of these churches have joined together with the Hollywood Fools and groups like the ACLU to rid America of any hint of Gods word that will offend those that will stay away from their churches because they do not like what is being said. They claim to hate censorship but they are the first ones to want to censor the Word of God. And they will attack you with their Satanic Hatred to silence you. But as I said, in the end that will not change their destiny. If rejecting Gods word is what they choose to do, then their destiny is to spend an eternity with their master in hell. There will be no parties when they get there. It will not matter if you are a movie star, a Liberal, a Conservative or whatever you choose to call yourself. Without truly having Christ as your Savior you will not care who your members are. You will only care about you and the pain you are going through for eternity. And you can be your own god for the rest of eternity. But a lot of good that will do you and your Hollywood friends. This assault on Christianity has not just been on one front. Over the last few years or so there has also been a dangerous movement taking place in America. It is a movement to make God conform to man and mans will. This is nothing new. For those that where building the Tower of Babel where in essence doing the same thing. Satan used the same argument on Eve. Working on her desires to make her believe that God had to conform to her wish's. The same thing has happened with people and groups here in America.
More recently we have the minister who calls himself the anti-christ. This guy is nothing more than a servant of Satan. And those who have chosen to follow him have allowed themselves to fall into a trap. They also believe that they can make God conform to their standards. This will not happen. Let me repeat that so that you will understand. That will not happen. God is not a genie. He will not bow down to you or conform to your desires or standards. The bible tells us that if we deny that Jesus is the Christ then He will deny us before His Father in heaven. (Matthew 10:32-33) The bible also says that if we say that we have not sinned then we deceive ourselves and make God out to be a liar. (1 John 1:10, 1 John 2:4, 1 John 2:22, 1 John 5:10) These groups are very dangerous and just another part of the reason that, if we choose to stay on the same path that we are on in America, then destruction will come to America. The Fools of Hollywood are only part of the problem. They do however, like to use their influence to push their own agenda. An agenda that is as far away from God as you can get. The one thing that this group likes to ridicule more than anything else is the Christians faith. If you are not rooted in your belief then you are an easy target for these groups to get to and win over. That is what Jesus warned us about when He was talking about the parable of the seeds. Today we see that many peoples faith is withering in the sun. They have not grounded themselves and have bought into many false beliefs. Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ and your Lord and Master. Do you believe that He is the only way to the Father as he claims that He is. If so then you can expect to be attacked by these groups. Because they think that they can still make God conform to their standards. As we have seen with the new forms of entertainment that people have become caught up in in this nation. People are once again to the point where they cannot get enough of seeing other people beat each others heads in. Once again, as in Rome, people cannot get enough of the most vile and violent forms of entertainment. So here we are once again with history repeating itself. Man has not learned from the discipline that has been handed out in the past. So then we are told of the discipline that will take place during the tribulation. Hollywood will never be able to write a script that will ever do that justice. But those that reject Gods plan for their salvation will receive the justice that will fall on them. And those that truly belong to Christ will have justice for the persecution that befalls them here. Where Satan has tried to destroy Christianity and could not, he has tried to pervert it with all kinds of false beliefs. The only way to not fall into that trap is to get into Gods word and allow Him to reveal Himself to you. But don' forget. These groups will seek to destroy your faith and in the process, you. If you allow them to do so. That makes you just as much of a fool as they are.
The Darwin Papers
Chuck Smith Study in Proverbs
Jon Courson Study in Proverbs
Ken Ortiz Study in Proverbs
J. Vernon Mcgee Study in Proverbs
See Also
Fools of Hollywood Part 1
This is not something that God has not warned us about. In chapter 1 of the Book of Romans we are told that in the end times men will become lovers of themselves rather than seek to love God. This event is unfolding right in front of our eyes. These Fools of Hollywood however are no more than puppets. Mouth pieces like Rosie O'Donnell and Jane Fonda do nothing more than keep everyone's eyes off of the ones who are hiding behind the scenes and using their wealth for power grabs. And of course Satan, who is their master and the one who is ultimately calling the shots in their lives. However, these people will all ultimately be dealt with by God.
The biggest problems are the people that give these people a platform to stand on. That includes many Christians. Satan has learn how to use the media to draw in anyone who listens and responds to the lies that has been propagated. He has been able to twist and distort the truth to anyone who will listen. As I said, that includes many Christians. There are many Christians who see nothing wrong in the killing of unborn children. That is because they have bought into the idea that it is best for mankind if some of these children are never born. They have bought into the idea that it is judgmental to speak out against sex outside of marriage. They have bought into the idea that God created men and women with certain perverted sexual desires for one another. How's that for being politically correct? But what they have really bought into is that it is easier on themselves if they just keep their mouths shut to avoid the persecutions that will come if they speak out. And they are right. It is easier. Or at least it appears easier. As Christians we are called to be ministers of Gods word. That means in love, understanding and truth. All three of these aspects must go together. Without godly love these three are meaningless. Without understanding we tend to look at others with an elitist attitude. Without truth there is always the distortion of the truth and the game of political correctness. Which is not a game because you are dealing with eternity and where people will spend their eternity.
Many churches have played this game for the sake of keeping their membership up. But the only membership they are adding to is the membership of hell. They will only speak the part of Gods word that they feel will not offend anyone and make them feel uncomfortable and keep them from coming to church. It does not seem to matter to these churches where these people spend eternity at but it does to God. But many of these churches have joined together with the Hollywood Fools and groups like the ACLU to rid America of any hint of Gods word that will offend those that will stay away from their churches because they do not like what is being said. They claim to hate censorship but they are the first ones to want to censor the Word of God. And they will attack you with their Satanic Hatred to silence you. But as I said, in the end that will not change their destiny. If rejecting Gods word is what they choose to do, then their destiny is to spend an eternity with their master in hell. There will be no parties when they get there. It will not matter if you are a movie star, a Liberal, a Conservative or whatever you choose to call yourself. Without truly having Christ as your Savior you will not care who your members are. You will only care about you and the pain you are going through for eternity. And you can be your own god for the rest of eternity. But a lot of good that will do you and your Hollywood friends. This assault on Christianity has not just been on one front. Over the last few years or so there has also been a dangerous movement taking place in America. It is a movement to make God conform to man and mans will. This is nothing new. For those that where building the Tower of Babel where in essence doing the same thing. Satan used the same argument on Eve. Working on her desires to make her believe that God had to conform to her wish's. The same thing has happened with people and groups here in America.
More recently we have the minister who calls himself the anti-christ. This guy is nothing more than a servant of Satan. And those who have chosen to follow him have allowed themselves to fall into a trap. They also believe that they can make God conform to their standards. This will not happen. Let me repeat that so that you will understand. That will not happen. God is not a genie. He will not bow down to you or conform to your desires or standards. The bible tells us that if we deny that Jesus is the Christ then He will deny us before His Father in heaven. (Matthew 10:32-33) The bible also says that if we say that we have not sinned then we deceive ourselves and make God out to be a liar. (1 John 1:10, 1 John 2:4, 1 John 2:22, 1 John 5:10) These groups are very dangerous and just another part of the reason that, if we choose to stay on the same path that we are on in America, then destruction will come to America. The Fools of Hollywood are only part of the problem. They do however, like to use their influence to push their own agenda. An agenda that is as far away from God as you can get. The one thing that this group likes to ridicule more than anything else is the Christians faith. If you are not rooted in your belief then you are an easy target for these groups to get to and win over. That is what Jesus warned us about when He was talking about the parable of the seeds. Today we see that many peoples faith is withering in the sun. They have not grounded themselves and have bought into many false beliefs. Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ and your Lord and Master. Do you believe that He is the only way to the Father as he claims that He is. If so then you can expect to be attacked by these groups. Because they think that they can still make God conform to their standards. As we have seen with the new forms of entertainment that people have become caught up in in this nation. People are once again to the point where they cannot get enough of seeing other people beat each others heads in. Once again, as in Rome, people cannot get enough of the most vile and violent forms of entertainment. So here we are once again with history repeating itself. Man has not learned from the discipline that has been handed out in the past. So then we are told of the discipline that will take place during the tribulation. Hollywood will never be able to write a script that will ever do that justice. But those that reject Gods plan for their salvation will receive the justice that will fall on them. And those that truly belong to Christ will have justice for the persecution that befalls them here. Where Satan has tried to destroy Christianity and could not, he has tried to pervert it with all kinds of false beliefs. The only way to not fall into that trap is to get into Gods word and allow Him to reveal Himself to you. But don' forget. These groups will seek to destroy your faith and in the process, you. If you allow them to do so. That makes you just as much of a fool as they are.
The Darwin Papers
Chuck Smith Study in Proverbs
Jon Courson Study in Proverbs
Ken Ortiz Study in Proverbs
J. Vernon Mcgee Study in Proverbs
See Also
Fools of Hollywood Part 1
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Fools of Hollywood
For those of you who came here expecting to see some rambling about how Charles Darwin was right, well, your in the wrong place. But if you insist on learning more about Charles Darwin here is a good sight for you. (The Darwin Papers) However, my name is Darwin Anthony. And I consider myself a conservative. Hence the name, DARWIN IS RIGHT. But you should be able to tell that by just simply looking at my web pages, Death By Abortion.org and YouChoose2008.org. Those sites where started to deal with the issues of Abortion and Leftwing fanatics who claim that they are the good guys while spuing their vomit about how conservatives are Nazi's. The interesting thing there is that Liberals are more like the Nazi's than some of the most extreme conservatives. Although they will deny it, I'm afraid that that is very much the truth. And starting with the most recent of these events with Bill Maher. The Liberals more recent shining example of the Left's Satanic Hatred of George Bush. Which leads me to say
The Only Thing Worse Than
A Fool Are The Fools That
Applaud The Fool
My Suggestion to Bill Maher and Hollywood is that you read the whole Book of Proverbs and take note of every time the fools are talked about. And Proverbs 1 is the best place to start. Because in Hollywood fools tend to congregate in Satanic Packs/Pacts. Kind of OCCULTIC isn't it.
A word of warning for all of you who call yourselves Christians, yet stand firm with this group. Jesus said you cannot serve two masters. It is obvious who the master of this group is. Revelations 3 talks about fence walkers. God will knock these fence walkers off of that fence. What side of that fence you land on is up to you. You can get mad at this statement if you choose, but remember this. Everyone, including the Hollywood crowd, will one day be standing before God. And the only thing He will be looking at is whether or not Jesus is truly your Savior. Nothing else will matter. Maher and the Hollywood crowd like to attack Christianity as nothing but a bunch of weak minded people who need a crutch. To an extent they are right. Without God we are weak. The Liberals rebellious arrogance causes them to think that they will get away with these attacks. But their rebellious arrogance will not save them and when they are standing before God on judgment day they will truly know what fear is. But it will be to late for them.
I will agree with Liberals on one thing. There are many Conservatives who are just as bad as Liberals. That is why I wrote an article called "Something More Dangerous Than Liberalism". The article is about Socialism. Let me give you my definition of Socialism. It is a belief that says, "We will openly except any and all who are openly willing to except any and all as being good according to their relative belief. We will not except any and all who truly believe that Gods word is absolute and who truly believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior." In other words they will not except anyone who puts God above their socially deviant system and except Socialism as their god. That is why they don't have a problem in killing unborn children. That is why they refuse to prosecute pedophiles unless they are a member of the Republican Party. Other wise they just keep voting them back into office. Tammy Bruce stated that those like Bill Maher have a hidden hatred for their fathers and that is why they are so angry with George Bush. I think that it is as it has always been with these people. They love themselves and the pleasure that they get from their sins more that anything else. They don't like accountability unless you do something to them. Then they want you to be held accountable for what ever you did to them. And they hate George Bush for his proclaimation of faith which they reject.
Many on the right do not agree with George Bush but there is nothing more Satanic than these Liberal attacks on President Bush. I have at many times expressed my disagreement about some of President Bush's policies. But I realize that there are many times in history that God has used governments to deal with a rebellious people. What makes you think, that after God has disciplined the nation of Israel many times for their rebellious ways, He will not do the same to America for its sins. Bill Maher and the entire Hollywood crowd that has set itself up against God will be dealt with by God. Those that call themselves Christians but stand with those that do these sort of things will be dealt with. You can call yourself what ever you want but God knows your fruits. Jesus died so that all who have sinned and would repent of their sins would be saved. But God plays the most important roll in that. By allowing His Spirit to give us the desire to call upon God for our salvation. Not some salvation that will rescue us from some situation, so that we can turn around and continue in our sinful ways, but a genuine salvation that includes a relationship with the Son of God. That is what the Hollywood crowd hates. Because that relationship means that what the bible says about their sins is true. And that there is a responsibility that goes along with our actions. And when we violate that responsibility there are consequences. Consequences that they do not want. But they want to continue in their sins.
Satan wants to draw as many Christians into this lifestyle as possible. However, God kicked Satan out of heaven and He is not going to let him back in. If you are a Christian then you as a Christian have a responsibility to stay close to God. That means staying in His word and will. You can read more about that in my article on Socialism. Those that hide themselves because of persecution will not escape persecution. Jesus said that if you deny Him before man He will deny you before God. The worst persecution to come are for those that have rejected Gods plan for their salvation. And for the fence walkers, you could find yourself landing on the wrong side when God knocks you off that fence. It does not matter whether you are a Liberal or a Conservative. If your heart does not belong to Christ the only place you will be heading is to hell. And as I said earlier, your rebellious arrogance will not save you and when you are standing before God on judgment day you will truly know what fear is. But it will be to late then. And that is exactly where Satan wants you. Because after that, you truly will belong to him for all eternity. Charles Darwin's teaching that man is nothing but an animal is partially right. Because without Gods spirit living inside of us we are indeed nothing but animals. If you die without giving your life to Christ you will get to spend your entire existence proving that Charles Darwin was right. Because that is all you will know for the rest of eternity. If you let Bill Maher and the rest of the Fools from Hollywood dictate where you will spend eternity that will be no one else's fault but your own. But just think about it. You can spend an eternity with a movie star. Some trade off, isn't it.
The Darwin Papers
Chuck Smith Study in Proverbs
Jon Courson Study in Proverbs
Ken Ortiz Study in Proverbs
J. Vernon Mcgee Study in Proverbs
The Only Thing Worse Than
A Fool Are The Fools That
Applaud The Fool
My Suggestion to Bill Maher and Hollywood is that you read the whole Book of Proverbs and take note of every time the fools are talked about. And Proverbs 1 is the best place to start. Because in Hollywood fools tend to congregate in Satanic Packs/Pacts. Kind of OCCULTIC isn't it.
A word of warning for all of you who call yourselves Christians, yet stand firm with this group. Jesus said you cannot serve two masters. It is obvious who the master of this group is. Revelations 3 talks about fence walkers. God will knock these fence walkers off of that fence. What side of that fence you land on is up to you. You can get mad at this statement if you choose, but remember this. Everyone, including the Hollywood crowd, will one day be standing before God. And the only thing He will be looking at is whether or not Jesus is truly your Savior. Nothing else will matter. Maher and the Hollywood crowd like to attack Christianity as nothing but a bunch of weak minded people who need a crutch. To an extent they are right. Without God we are weak. The Liberals rebellious arrogance causes them to think that they will get away with these attacks. But their rebellious arrogance will not save them and when they are standing before God on judgment day they will truly know what fear is. But it will be to late for them.
I will agree with Liberals on one thing. There are many Conservatives who are just as bad as Liberals. That is why I wrote an article called "Something More Dangerous Than Liberalism". The article is about Socialism. Let me give you my definition of Socialism. It is a belief that says, "We will openly except any and all who are openly willing to except any and all as being good according to their relative belief. We will not except any and all who truly believe that Gods word is absolute and who truly believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior." In other words they will not except anyone who puts God above their socially deviant system and except Socialism as their god. That is why they don't have a problem in killing unborn children. That is why they refuse to prosecute pedophiles unless they are a member of the Republican Party. Other wise they just keep voting them back into office. Tammy Bruce stated that those like Bill Maher have a hidden hatred for their fathers and that is why they are so angry with George Bush. I think that it is as it has always been with these people. They love themselves and the pleasure that they get from their sins more that anything else. They don't like accountability unless you do something to them. Then they want you to be held accountable for what ever you did to them. And they hate George Bush for his proclaimation of faith which they reject.
Many on the right do not agree with George Bush but there is nothing more Satanic than these Liberal attacks on President Bush. I have at many times expressed my disagreement about some of President Bush's policies. But I realize that there are many times in history that God has used governments to deal with a rebellious people. What makes you think, that after God has disciplined the nation of Israel many times for their rebellious ways, He will not do the same to America for its sins. Bill Maher and the entire Hollywood crowd that has set itself up against God will be dealt with by God. Those that call themselves Christians but stand with those that do these sort of things will be dealt with. You can call yourself what ever you want but God knows your fruits. Jesus died so that all who have sinned and would repent of their sins would be saved. But God plays the most important roll in that. By allowing His Spirit to give us the desire to call upon God for our salvation. Not some salvation that will rescue us from some situation, so that we can turn around and continue in our sinful ways, but a genuine salvation that includes a relationship with the Son of God. That is what the Hollywood crowd hates. Because that relationship means that what the bible says about their sins is true. And that there is a responsibility that goes along with our actions. And when we violate that responsibility there are consequences. Consequences that they do not want. But they want to continue in their sins.
Satan wants to draw as many Christians into this lifestyle as possible. However, God kicked Satan out of heaven and He is not going to let him back in. If you are a Christian then you as a Christian have a responsibility to stay close to God. That means staying in His word and will. You can read more about that in my article on Socialism. Those that hide themselves because of persecution will not escape persecution. Jesus said that if you deny Him before man He will deny you before God. The worst persecution to come are for those that have rejected Gods plan for their salvation. And for the fence walkers, you could find yourself landing on the wrong side when God knocks you off that fence. It does not matter whether you are a Liberal or a Conservative. If your heart does not belong to Christ the only place you will be heading is to hell. And as I said earlier, your rebellious arrogance will not save you and when you are standing before God on judgment day you will truly know what fear is. But it will be to late then. And that is exactly where Satan wants you. Because after that, you truly will belong to him for all eternity. Charles Darwin's teaching that man is nothing but an animal is partially right. Because without Gods spirit living inside of us we are indeed nothing but animals. If you die without giving your life to Christ you will get to spend your entire existence proving that Charles Darwin was right. Because that is all you will know for the rest of eternity. If you let Bill Maher and the rest of the Fools from Hollywood dictate where you will spend eternity that will be no one else's fault but your own. But just think about it. You can spend an eternity with a movie star. Some trade off, isn't it.
The Darwin Papers
Chuck Smith Study in Proverbs
Jon Courson Study in Proverbs
Ken Ortiz Study in Proverbs
J. Vernon Mcgee Study in Proverbs
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