Sunday, February 25, 2007

Fools of Hollywood

For those of you who came here expecting to see some rambling about how Charles Darwin was right, well, your in the wrong place. But if you insist on learning more about Charles Darwin here is a good sight for you. (The Darwin Papers) However, my name is Darwin Anthony. And I consider myself a conservative. Hence the name, DARWIN IS RIGHT. But you should be able to tell that by just simply looking at my web pages, Death By and Those sites where started to deal with the issues of Abortion and Leftwing fanatics who claim that they are the good guys while spuing their vomit about how conservatives are Nazi's. The interesting thing there is that Liberals are more like the Nazi's than some of the most extreme conservatives. Although they will deny it, I'm afraid that that is very much the truth. And starting with the most recent of these events with Bill Maher. The Liberals more recent shining example of the Left's Satanic Hatred of George Bush. Which leads me to say
The Only Thing Worse Than
A Fool Are The Fools That
Applaud The Fool



My Suggestion to Bill Maher and Hollywood is that you read the whole Book of Proverbs and take note of every time the fools are talked about. And Proverbs 1 is the best place to start. Because in Hollywood fools tend to congregate in Satanic Packs/Pacts. Kind of OCCULTIC isn't it.

A word of warning for all of you who call yourselves Christians, yet stand firm with this group.
Jesus said you cannot serve two masters. It is obvious who the master of this group is. Revelations 3 talks about fence walkers. God will knock these fence walkers off of that fence. What side of that fence you land on is up to you. You can get mad at this statement if you choose, but remember this. Everyone, including the Hollywood crowd, will one day be standing before God. And the only thing He will be looking at is whether or not Jesus is truly your Savior. Nothing else will matter. Maher and the Hollywood crowd like to attack Christianity as nothing but a bunch of weak minded people who need a crutch. To an extent they are right. Without God we are weak. The Liberals rebellious arrogance causes them to think that they will get away with these attacks.
But their rebellious arrogance will not save them and when they are standing before God on judgment day they will truly know what fear is. But it will be to late for them.

I will agree with Liberals on one thing. There are many Conservatives who are just as bad as Liberals. That is why I wrote an article called "Something More Dangerous Than Liberalism". The article is about Socialism. Let me give you my definition of Socialism. It is a belief that says, "We will openly except any and all who are openly willing to except any and all as being good according to their relative belief. We will not except any and all who truly believe that Gods word is absolute and who truly believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior." In other words they will not except anyone who puts God above their socially deviant system and except Socialism as their god. That is why they don't have a problem in killing unborn children. That is why they refuse to prosecute pedophiles unless they are a member of the Republican Party. Other wise they just keep voting them back into office. Tammy Bruce stated that those like Bill Maher have a hidden hatred for their fathers and that is why they are so angry with George Bush. I think that it is as it has always been with these people. They love themselves and the pleasure that they get from their sins more that anything else. They don't like accountability unless you do something to them. Then they want you to be held accountable for what ever you did to them. And they hate George Bush for his proclaimation of faith which they reject.

Many on the right do not agree with George Bush but there is nothing more Satanic than these Liberal attacks on President Bush. I have at many times expressed my disagreement about some of President Bush's policies. But I realize that there are many times in history that God has used governments to deal with a rebellious people. What makes you think, that after God has disciplined the nation of Israel many times for their rebellious ways, He will not do the same to America for its sins. Bill Maher and the entire Hollywood crowd that has set itself up against God will be dealt with by God. Those that call themselves Christians but stand with those that do these sort of things will be dealt with. You can call yourself what ever you want but God knows your fruits. Jesus died so that all who have sinned and would repent of their sins would be saved. But God plays the most important roll in that. By allowing His Spirit to give us the desire to call upon God for our salvation. Not some salvation that will rescue us from some situation, so that we can turn around and continue in our sinful ways, but a genuine salvation that includes a relationship with the Son of God. That is what the Hollywood crowd hates. Because that relationship means that what the bible says about their sins is true. And that there is a responsibility that goes along with our actions. And when we violate that responsibility there are consequences. Consequences that they do not want. But they want to continue in their sins.

Satan wants to draw as many Christians into this lifestyle as possible. However, God kicked Satan out of heaven and He is not going to let him back in. If you are a Christian then you as a Christian have a responsibility to stay close to God. That means staying in His word and will. You can read more about that in my article on Socialism. Those that hide themselves because of persecution will not escape persecution. Jesus said that if you deny Him before man He will deny you before God. The worst persecution to come are for those that have rejected Gods plan for their salvation. And for the fence walkers, you could find yourself landing on the wrong side when God knocks you off that fence. It does not matter whether you are a Liberal or a Conservative. If your heart does not belong to Christ the only place you will be heading is to hell. And as I said earlier, your rebellious arrogance will not save you and when you are standing before God on judgment day you will truly know what fear is. But it will be to late then. And that is exactly where Satan wants you. Because after that, you truly will belong to him for all eternity. Charles Darwin's teaching that man is nothing but an animal is partially right. Because without Gods spirit living inside of us we are indeed nothing but animals. If you die without giving your life to Christ you will get to spend your entire existence proving that Charles Darwin was right. Because that is all you will know for the rest of eternity. If you let Bill Maher and the rest of the Fools from Hollywood dictate where you will spend eternity that will be no one else's fault but your own. But just think about it. You can spend an eternity with a movie star. Some trade off, isn't it.
The Darwin Papers
Chuck Smith Study in Proverbs
Jon Courson Study in Proverbs
Ken Ortiz Study in Proverbs
J. Vernon Mcgee Study in Proverbs